by R.T Kaelin
Paperback: 672 pages
Publisher: Terrene Press (November 27, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0615421032
ISBN-13: 978-0615421032
*Copy provided by the author for honest review*
4.5 out 5 stars
Overview: Nikalys and his sister Kenders grew up living a peaceful life in the quiet farming village of Yellow Mud… until the blistering hot day when they go to the nearby lake for a swim. When they reach the lake, they spy an unknown mage conjure a massive water creature hundreds of feet tall. They watch in horror as the water creature plunges toward their home, apparently drowning all in its path, including their parents and older brother, Jak. As the only survivors, brother and sister strike out on their own, hoping to discover the reason their home and family was destroyed. They must make their way through a countryside where magic is outlawed, punishable by imprisonment or even death while struggling with the revelation that Kenders has magical abilities herself. Although Kenders can feel and touch the many-colored “strands” of magic she has no idea how to use them until she and Nikalys are attacked by a pack of wolves and Kenders instinctively summons a bolt of lightning, immediately collapsing when the effort drains her of all her energy. From nowhere a giant lynx appears and saves the pair from certain death and then miraculously morphs into his natural self, a seven-foot-tall man. The shape changer’s name is Broedi and when the time is right, he reveals to the siblings that he is one of the original White Lions and he recites to them an ancient prophecy that tells of the coming of a new and even more terrible war than the one centuries ago. The evil Gods of Chaos, Strife, and Sorrow and Pain would combine efforts to unite the orcs, gnolls and razorfiends — normally sworn enemies. The forces of good would be led by two children of other White Lions; those children are Nikalys and Kenders, the Progeny. As brother and sister struggle with the revelation that the only parents they could remember were not their birth parents, some of the Gods and Goddesses were busy setting other events in motion. Others people – strangers at first – would gather and become allies of the Progeny. Together, they were about to be caught up in the greatest conflict the world had ever seen. Ancient, powerful forces still seek the Progeny on their travels, some intent to eliminate the threat they pose, some hoping to help them fulfill a destiny of which they are unaware. Myths and legends come to life, whisking the pair along a journey they never could have imagined possible.*I’d like to mention that my brother- Gene Webb- kindly reviewed this book*
Review: So, when I was asked to read Progeny and then give my honest opinion about the book and how I liked it, I jumped at the idea. I was excited that possibly something I would write about a book could have an impact on getting someone read it. I told them “bring me the book”… and it was brought to me on a fork lift. When I saw the 600 plus page book, I asked myself if I knew what I was getting into. I didn’t have an answer. But I knew two things: One, any book that could be used to knock out Professor Plum in the library was a book – had to be a good book and two, I could use said book in place of my dumbbells for working out, well at least it has more than one use.
All kidding aside though, I picked up the book and took a journey into this land and from page one Progeny had me captured. I dove into a world that was well created, immensely planned out and describe in almost Tolkien fashion. In short, a new planet had been created in my solar system and I was there discovering it for the first time. I was enraptured with the beauty and time the author had put into it. Any apprehensions I had about this book were erased and it was as if it was born of Immaculate Conception. Then something happened… I was bonded with the characters. I cared what happened to them; I wanted to know what they would do next, how they would make it to their next leg of the tale, and who planned to help them on their way. All of these questions were very much an important part of books for me all of these questions had kept me reading this monstrous tale. The story flowed well, there were only a few slow spots and when it did become a bit slow, it was only for a moment but I felt like it was needed.
The plot was well written though I did feel like some of it was predictable and easy to figure out. I didn’t feel like much left me saying, “I didn’t see that coming!” Though I should also point out that not all books need to have a twist in them and in no way did I feel like this took away from the book. It actually made it easier to read and the pages flew by instead of dragging. The only part about Progeny that got to me was the length. The fact that I needed to read almost 700 pages only to find out that the story doesn’t end there, kind of made me mad but that was merely because I expected closure after such a long journey. But hey, it’s why we all read right, to see what happens next?
All in all I think this was a very well written book. I cannot wait to see how the characters grow in the next book of the series. I believe if you read and enjoyed the writing style of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, you will enjoy the beauty that the author has placed into the details of this novel.